Getting to Know Core Data and Realm

Core Data has always been a weak area for me. I’ve never worked with it professionally1, and even though I’ve worked on a big project with Realm, I felt like I could use a refresher on it, too. So instead of following the plan and reading one book a month, I read three over the course of February and March:

  1. Core Data by Florian Kugler and Daniel Eggert
  2. Core Data by Tutorials by Aaron Douglas, Matthew Morey, and Pietro Rea
  3. Realm: Building Modern Swift Apps with Realm Database by Marin Todorov

How were the books?

I learned a lot from all three, but I wish I’d read the Ray Wenderlich one on Core Data before reading’s since it gives a much better introduction for people that have never touched the framework. But even though the one’s introductory chapters are rougher it still supplies a lot of handy convenience functions and clearly lays out some best practices. I’m a fan of Florian’s coding style from the other books and videos and found plenty to like in it.

Unlike the Wenderlich book, the one is not really project-based. For that reason, it’s more difficult to follow along with the sample code, and sometimes the explanations are worded in a way that makes me wonder whether it’s a mistake or if I’m misunderstanding from earlier. Sidenote: I’d love to see the material get the same video series treatment as their newer books on app architecture, optimizing collections, and Swift UI in a future revision.

The Realm book is also from the team at Ray Wenderlich and feels very comparable to their Core Data one in terms of scope, building up the sample projects, etc. As someone who’s done a decent amount of work with Realm I still learned some useful things, and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to someone wanting to jump into Realm for the first time.

Should I use Core Data or Realm for my project?

This is obviously going to depend a lot on your use case, but I’d sum up how I think about the two like this:

  • Core Data is like a framework for building object graph management solutions. You can control every aspect of how data moves to and from disk, what your memory footprint looks like at any given moment, and how your multithreaded code behaves.
  • Realm has batteries included. There’s generally one right way to do something, and you don’t need to understand much to use it correctly in simple cases.

I would reach for Core Data if I was trying to minimize my dependency on third-party libraries, or if I had a need to work with large graphs of managed objects and wanted to optimize reads and writes very tightly. To give you a sense of what I mean, executing a fetch request always involves a round-trip to disk, so you want to limit how frequently you’re performing them. The data that’s included in those fetch results typically contain faults – references to other managed objects that haven’t been populated yet. You determine when you want to pay for the faults to be filled. Changes that you make in the “scratchpad” (context) have to be explicitly saved to disk. You can use “subentities” if you want multiple types of managed objects to be stored together in the same database table for performance, but these subentities don’t behave like subclasses. The list goes on.

I would go for Realm if I was just trying to get something up and running. Specifying a schema is as simple as inheriting from Realm.Object and async code is easy to understand. For example, any time you mutate a managed Realm object it needs to be in a write transaction, and other parts of your code that are listening for these changes are notified autmatically. In general, it seems like it’s less powerful and gives you less control, but there are fewer opportunities to shoot yourself in the foot.

Random Learnings

Core Data

  • You can’t pass Core Data contexts or objects across threads. For access to an object on a separate thread you’ll want its NSManagedObject.objectID, which is threadsafe.
  • Core Data’s persistent store coordinator will keep all contexts backed by the same persistent container up to date. This means that you can save changes to your object on context1 and context2 will see them if it looks for them. You can keep the two in sync pretty easily by subscribing to the relevant notifications.
  • A lot of the complaints I’ve heard from people who work with Core Data revolve around reasoning about child contexts. The way they’re presented in the Wenderlich book seems to be entirely as in-memory scratchpads whose changes you can either commit or throw away. Calling save() on a child context only saves those changes to the parent context, not to the store.
  • The book comes out pretty strongly against nested contexts, with the exception of the single parent-child case.


  • Realm can be made very performant when you need to do a ton of writes, but it requires some screwing around to get a run loop installed on a background thread.
  • It allows reads and writes from any thread, publishing notifications on the thread they were created from. The realm and its objects can’t be passed across threads.
  • Calling Realm(configuration:) to initialize a new realm is usually a lightweight operation because the framework will return an existing instance for the current thread if one’s available. In general, you shouldn’t hold onto realm instances and should hold onto the configuration and initialize on the fly instead. (There’s an exception when you’re writing to a single dedicated thread.)
  • By default, adding an object to a realm where another object of the same type shares its primary key will error instead of applying the changes.
  • It’s very simple to set up Realm Cloud, at least with their PaaS (not sure about self hosting.)

Differences and similarities

  • Unlike Core Data, Realm doesn’t allow for cascading deletes out of the box, but the Wenderlich book shows you how to build a simple implementation.
  • Migrations in Core Data and Realm seem more or less similar. The same kinds of automatic migrations can be performed for you, and you perform more complex migrations in a similar way. Core Data provides a graphical editor for its data models, giving you a way to map old to new by specifying stuff in a GUI (“custom mapping model”) as a middle ground between a fully automatic migration and a fully custom one.


The abstractions in Core Data are a lot cooler than I thought they were, and it seems like a lot of people’s complaints about it are probably more related to complex configurations than poor design decisions by the framework’s authors. That said, I like that Realm makes easy things easy, and for a lot of projects, the sacrifice in performance and predictability will be justified by the reduced engineering effort to keep things working.

  1. Except for that time that I used it (incorrectly) in a take-home project for a job application. I got the job, which I like to think supports my idea that people think Core Data is an important thing to know, whether or not they actually want to use it in their projects. 

Learning AV Foundation


Lately I’ve been wanting to do more learning outside work hours, so when my coworkers shared their personal goals for 2020 in Slack, I thought, “This is the year I read a technical book a month.” Since I work with AVFoundation every day at 1 Second Everyday, I figured what better way to start than with a book-length treatment of my favorite (?) framework, Bob McCune’s Learning AV Foundation: A Hands-on Guide to Mastering the AV Foundation Framework. At 432 pages it covers a lot of ground, with walkthroughs on media playback and capture, working with assets and metadata, and composition and editing. It starts from the very basics (how digital media is represented on disk) and works up to more complex topics – from how to work with rational time to how to control focus and exposure on iPhone cameras, eventually building up to a multitrack editing app by the end of the book.

I love technical books like David Beazley’s Python Essential Reference – they explain complex ideas in terse, well-formulated language, give a clear structure and progression, and steer clear of the jokey voice that shows up everywhere in tech books for beginners. I wouldn’t put Learning AV Foundation in quite the same tier – it’s a project-based book and not really a reference – but it was a good read, communicated the main ideas clearly, and provided enough scaffolding that the project work could be really focused on what he’s trying to teach in a given chapter. I won’t spoil what’s in the book, but here are a handful of takeaways from someone who’s spent the last 8 months or so working with AV Foundation:

  • I had no idea about the atom/box structure of MP4 and QuickTime files. I wish that Apple’s Atom Inspector app was updated to run on recent OSes – please consider filing a Radar referencing this report if you’d like the same. Also, any recommendations for other inspection tools for MP4 and MOV?
  • The richness of metadata that MP4 and QuickTime can support is really cool. In particular, the idea that you can add dictionaries containing your own structured data to a video file.
  • How simple it is to set up AirPlay
  • How AVCaptureSession works and how you can wire different inputs and outputs up to it

So what’s not to like about it?

  • All Objective-C
  • Some stuff is outdated (published in 2015) and the source code contains a couple of frustrating errors
  • Reading code in the iBooks ePUB version is really bad, and pretty typical. I’d recommend a physical copy or PDF if possible.
  • I would love to have had a treatment of some higher-level ideas, like dealing with multiple timescales and performance considerations for custom video compositors.

I’d definitely give it a thumbs up overall and would recommend it to people who want a broad overview of the framework. It goes pretty deep in parts (AVAssetWriter, AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool, AVCaptureVideoDataOutput) and always leaves the reader with enough clues to continue digging on their own.

How do Alignment Rects Work?

Recently I had to build a layout with a horizontal array of NSButtons that are all vertically centered. The tricky part was that one of the buttons needed an indicator view to represent its control state (present for .on, hidden for .off.) Using typical constraints produced a layout like this:

Default Layout

As you can see, the star button’s frame is centered with the frames of the plus and minus buttons, which isn’t what we want. I remembered having seen references to alignment rects in a WWDC session, and after tracking it down on ASCIIwwdc, I learned that you could use your view’s alignment rect to describe the region that contains its content. That region might be different from your view’s frame if you have ornamentation like a drop shadow or, in my case, an indicator view. After double checking the docs I realized that I either needed to:

  • override alignmentRect(forFrame:) and frame(forAlignmentRect:) (which should be inverses of each other) or
  • override alignmentRectInsets

This led to a number of hours frustratedly banging my head against my desk. Here’s what I was doing:

class StarButton: NSControl {

    enum Metric {
        static let imageHeight: CGFloat = 22
        static let imageWidth = imageHeight
        static let frameHeight: CGFloat = 30

    private func configureViews() {
        for subview in [imageView, indicatorView] {
            subview.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            subview.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leftAnchor).isActive = true
            subview.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: rightAnchor).isActive = true
        imageView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor).isActive = true
        imageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: Metric.imageHeight).isActive = true
        indicatorView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor).isActive = true

    override var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize {
        return NSSize(width: Metric.imageWidth, height: Metric.frameHeight)
  • The star button has two child views - an image view for the star, and the indicator view below
  • Constraints for the image view pinned it to the top, left, and right of its superview, as well as constraining its height.
  • Constraints for the indicator view pin it to the bottom, left, and right of the superview
  • Override intrinsicContentSize for the button and return its full size of 22 x 30 points

From here I tried both of the approaches above – first overriding alignmentRectInsets and returning NSEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 8, right: 0) (since 8 points is the difference between the view’s frame height – 30 points – and the height of the image view – 22 points.) This didn’t do what I wanted at all. Neither did overriding the alignmentRect(forFrame:) and frame(forAlignmentRect:). I also experimented with getting rid of the intrinsicContentSize override and using explicit width and height constraints (22 x 30) but results were the same.

It wasn’t until I stumbled across an article on that I spotted the missing piece of the puzzle, namely that the “intrinsic content size of a view refers to its alignment rect, not to its frame.”

In order to get the layout I wanted I needed to:

class StarButton: NSControl {

    private func configure() {
        for subview in [imageView, indicatorView] {
            subview.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            subview.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leftAnchor).isActive = true
            subview.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: rightAnchor).isActive = true
        imageView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor).isActive = true
        imageView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor).isActive = true    // self.bottomAnchor now describes the bottom of the *alignment rect*
        indicatorView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor, constant: -(Metric.frameHeight - Metric.imageHeight) // indicatorView now constrained to be outside the alignment rect

    override var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize {
        return NSSize(width: Metric.imageWidth, height: Metric.imageHeight) // size of the alignment rect, not the view's frame

    override var alignmentRectInsets: NSEdgeInsets {
        var insets = NSEdgeInsetsZero
        insets.bottom = Metric.frameHeight - Metric.imageHeight
        return insets
  • Constrain the top, left, right, and bottom of the image view to its superview. Since we’re supplying an alignment rect that’s different from the view’s frame, we’re really constraining the bottom of the image view to the bottom of the alignment rect.
  • Constrain the bottom of the indicator view to the bottom of the image view, offset by 8 points. Since the image view is constrained to superview’s bottom, this is effectively constraining the indicator view to be “outside of the superview” (i.e., outside its alignment rect.)
  • In intrinsicContentSize return the desired alignment rect size of 22 x 22 points
  • Return bottom: 8 as before in alignmentRectInsets

Correct Layout

Simple. So here’s what I learned:

  • When you’re setting up layout constraints for a view whose alignment rect you want to manipulate, you should think of constraining to your superview’s edges as constraining to the edges of the alignment rect instead
  • intrinsicContentSize or explicit width and height constraints should describe the width and height of the alignment rect, not the width and height of your view’s frame
  • Overriding alignmentRectInsets is easier than messing with alignmentRect(forFrame:) and frame(forAlignmentRect:)

Setting Swift compiler flags in CocoaPods

Lately I’ve been working on a Swift framework that I’m integrating into an existing app with CocoaPods. The framework relies on an #if DEBUG macro to run one of two code paths, depending on whether we’re building with the Debug configuration or something else.

public var baseURL: NSURL {
    #if DEBUG
        return NSURL(string:"")!
        return NSURL(string:"")!

In order for our code to trigger an #if <something> macro, we need to set a -D<something> flag in the other Swift flags section of our target’s build settings. There’s nothing special about “debug” as it’s used here, we’re just creating a global variable and naming it DEBUG.

Target build settings

So far so good – we can see that the #if DEBUG branch runs when we build with our Debug configuration and the #else branch runs otherwise. But this changes when we consume our framework in another project. Firstly, CocoaPods doesn’t look at the build settings in our library’s Xcode project at all. The xcconfig files that CocoaPods generates for our framework are entirely independent of the project file in our framework’s own Xcode project. (Thanks to Caleb Davenport at North for pointing this out.) This means that even if we specify a -DDEBUG flag for the Debug build configuration in our framework’s build settings, they won’t be there when CocoaPods installs the framework into our app’s workspace.

So let’s set the flag higher up, say in our app target’s build settings. Well it turns out that those flags don’t trickle down to our framework targets at compile time. Any flags you set on the app target only apply to the app target.

OK, different idea – why don’t we make the changes in our podspec instead, using pod_target_xcconfig? Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem possible to set flags for only our Debug configuration, which is the whole point. And besides, we don’t want to be beholden to the consumer of our API — what if they’re using a different naming convention for their build configurations?

Fortunately, we can use CocoaPods’s post_install_hooks to get what we want. As you can see in the docs, each framework target holds an array of build_configurations representing the xcconfig files generated for each of our project’s build configurations. Each of these build_configuration objects then holds a hash of build_settings representing the structured data inside the xcconfig file. Using post_install_hooks we can just write out the relevant flags for the configurations we care about.

post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        if == 'CoolFramework'
            target.build_configurations.each do |config|
                if == 'Debug'
                    config.build_settings['OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS'] = '-DDEBUG'
                    config.build_settings['OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS'] = ''

Bong bong.

Getting Started with Moya

Moya is functional networking library, built on top of Alamofire, that applies the best of Swift’s language and compiler features to your network requests. Its key insight is tying URL request-building logic to an enumerated type, both guaranteeing that you don’t miss anything (switch statements need to be exhaustive), and allowing you to cleanly factor code out of your main suite of public “call this endpoint” functions. On top of that, there are subspecs supporting both ReactiveCocoa and RxSwift, making it relatively easy to support functional reactive programming in your project.

What’s in the Box?


At its heart, Moya revolves around a single protocol called MoyaTarget. This is the enumerated type alluded to earlier, and encompasses your base URL and paths, supplied parameters, and HTTP methods. Let’s use the Twitter API for this example, and call our implementation TwitterTarget.

public enum Target: MoyaTarget {
    case .HomeTimeline
    case .NewPost(text: String)

    var baseURL: NSURL { return NSURL(string: "")! }

    var path: String { 
        switch self {
            case .HomeTimeline:
                return "statuses/user_timeline.json"
            case .NewPost:
                return "statuses/update.json"

    var method: Moya.Method {
        switch self {
            case .HomeTimeline:
                return .GET
            case .NewPost:
                return .POST

    var parameters: [String: AnyObject] {
        switch self {
            case .HomeTimeline:
                return [:]
            case .NewPost(let text):
                return ["status": text]

    var sampleData: NSData { return NSData() }  // We just need to return something here to fully implement the protocol

So for each of the protocol methods we can switch on self (enums ftw), using let bindings to pull out associated values where we need them. The only non-obvious method is sampleData — it’s related to testing, we’ll come back to it later.


In order to interact with our TwitterTarget type we’ll need an instance of MoyaProvider; its request method is the gateway between TwitterTarget and Twitter’s servers. While we’re at it, let’s write a public function to wrap all of this stuff up.

    let provider = MoyaProvider<TwitterTarget>()

    public func getTimeline() -> (tweets: [Tweet]?, error: ErrorType?) {
        provider.request(.HomeTimeline) { [unowned self] (data: NSData?, statusCode: Int?, response: NSURLResponse?, error: ErrorType?) in
            guard self.requestSucceeded(statusCode) else {
                let error = // some error
                return (nil, error)

            guard let data = data,
            json = try? NSJSONSerialization(data: data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions(),
            jsonArray = json as? [[String: AnyObject]] else {
                let error = // some error
                return (nil, error)

            let tweets = jsonArray.flatMap { Tweet(json: $0) }
            return (tweets, nil)  

Using Moya we’ve factored everything but the bare essentials out of our public getTimeline function. The resulting code is simple, safe, and easy to reason about.


An awesome feature of Moya is the ability to test our logic with canned API responses with just a couple of small changes to our code. First, let’s implement that sampleData method for real using the sample responses in Twitter’s API docs:

public enum Target: MoyaTarget {


    var sampleData: NSData {
        switch self {
            case .HomeTimeline:
                let jsonStr = "[{\"coordinates\": null,\"truncated\": false,\"created_at\": \"Tue Aug 28 21:16:23 +0000 2012\",\"favorited\": false,\"id_str\": \"240558470661799936\",\"in_reply_to_user_id_str\": null,\"entities\": {\"urls\": [],\"hashtags\": [],\"user_mentions\": []},\"text\": ...]"    // truncated because massive
                if let data = jsonStr.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
                    return data
                } else {
                    print("Couldn't serialize string")
                    return NSData()

            case .NewPost:

Now in order to use this in our tests, we’re going to need an instance of MoyaProvider that we’ve configured for testing:

    let testProvider = MoyaProvider<TwitterTarget>(endpointClosure: MoyaProvider.DefaultEndpointMapping, endpointResolver: MoyaProvider.DefaultEndpointResolution, stubBehavior: MoyaProvider.ImmediateStubbingBehaviour)

This is almost the default configuration we get with a new MoyaProvider, except for the stubBehavior parameter. We’re using it to tell the provider that we want to use the stubbed responses we specified above, and not actually call out to the network. Now we can write tests like this (using Quick and Nimble, of course):

    describe("Getting the user's home timeline") {
        it("Should have some tweets") {
            getTimeline() { (tweets, error) in

Where to go from Here?


In order to add custom headers (say, for authentication), you’re going to need to provide a value for the endpointClosure parameter of MoyaProvider.

let ourEndpointClosure = { (target: TwitterTarget) -> Endpoint in
        let url = target.baseURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(target.path).absoluteString
        let endpoint = Endpoint(URL: url, sampleResponse: .Success(200, {target.sampleData}), method: target.method, parameters: target.parameters)
        let headers = headersForTarget(target)
        return endpoint.endpointByAddingHTTPHeaderFields(headers)

let provider = MoyaProvider<TwitterTarget>(endpointClosure: ourEndpointClosure)

Functional Reactive Programming

If you’d rather use signals than completion closures you can still use everything we’ve done so far, only swapping the base MoyaProvider out with RxMoyaProvider (for RxSwift) or ReactiveCocoaMoyaProvider (for Reactive Cocoa). Now the provider’s request method returns an Observable (or Signal) that you can map, filter, and bind to stuff.

Happy coding!